Photo by Nona David, ‘26
The rock climbing wall at the Outing Club gym.
I have now officially gone bouldering three times. And, believe me, I am by no means good. Like, at all. While this may not seem like something to brag about, stepping into the Outing Club for the first time in my senior year is an accomplishment.
I had always been scared of the Outing Club. My family is the antithesis of “outdoorsy” and I had no experience with climbing or hiking. I convinced myself that I was not good enough or experienced enough to try out some of the amazing trips that the OC offered. I kept telling myself next year — next year is when I would find the courage to try something new. But freshman year soon became sophomore year, and then junior year, and before I knew it was senior year.
So now, I am committed to finally trying out the Outing Club. I have gone bouldering three whole times and while I am far from perfect, I thoroughly enjoy it. I like that my only competition is myself and that it’s just as much a puzzle as it is a workout. I love going with friends when we can all take a break from the mounds of schoolwork, join such a supportive community and have fun.
I only wish I had gone sooner. I wish I had been more involved in the OC. I wish I had assumed more of a leadership role in Campus Kitchen. And, I wish I had gone abroad more or taken an art class or a thousand other things. And for a bit, I let these regrets consume me. I was too late. Now as a senior, there was no point in fulfilling all these promises I had made to myself. That was until I voiced my concerns to my friend Elizabeth (shout out) in the Outing Club, and she said, “Well you’re here now.” That simple sentence changed my entire mindset.
There is no set timeline or expectations for college. And, while I do wish I had done more with the OC and Campus Kitchen, with every give there is a take. If I had, say, led an App Adventure Trip, I wouldn’t have been able to do Res Life — which I love. If I had been on Campus Kitchen Leadership, I may not have had the chance to explore other service opportunities such as Blue Ridge Mile. That being said, it is never too late to try something new. You may be scared, but do it scared. And, you may be bad at it but be comfortable with learning, perfection is overrated and unattainable.
So if you’re hesitant to join a new climb or sign up for that hike, let this be a sign. It may be your senior year, but that’s a whole YEAR to explore all that W&L and Lexington have to offer. A year to try anything and everything. I promise you’re not too late.