Patti Solis Doyle talks immigration, Hispanic voters in 2020 election

Doyle spoke directly to DREAMers during her Mock Convention speech

Lilah Kimble

Patti Solis Doyle address Mock Convention.

Jin Ni and Laura Calhoun

Patti Solis Doyle, a nationally recognized political organizer and campaign strategist, spoke against Donald Trump’s treatment of immigrants and stressed the importance of Hispanic voters in the 2020 election to Mock Convention attendees.


“Trump stands on immigration because he thinks it will help him win in November,” said Doyle. “But this is the first election where the Hispanic voter population is larger than it has ever been before.”


Doyle, the daughter of two Mexican immigrants, was the first Hispanic woman to lead a presidential campaign as the campaign manager of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential bid. She said issues about Hispanic voters and the rhetoric surrounding immigration feel personal to her.


Doyle said that Trump often ignores Hispanic voters because he is playing a game of what she called the “270 strategy” to support his presidential election, where he only cares about reaching people in places that may or may not support him.


“If you’re offended by what you hear at his rallies, you probably don’t matter that much to him,” Doyle said.


Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric has contributed to more division in the United States, according to Doyle. She advocated for the important role that immigrants play in both politics and the U.S. economy.


“More immigrants are better for the workforce, which means it’s better for the economy,” said Doyle. ”Immigration isn’t a gift to the Democratic Party; it’s a gift to America.”


Doyle told the story of her father, the most patriotic person that she has ever known, and his journey in the United States after immigrating here from Mexico.


“Pa had a strong work ethic,” Doyle said. “My parents worked for over 20 years in backbreaking jobs and never complained.”


She said that her father worked hard to get his citizenship and participated in every election whether it be local or national. She remembers his political involvement changing over time.


“He became a law and order kind of guy, who always elected his incumbent. But as he became more comfortable, his views changed,” she said. “He went from someone who didn’t think women should have the right to vote to someone who thought my sister should keep her last name when she got married.”


Doyle said that she was proud of her father for making his way in the American political system, and said that we should pay special attention to the current generation of immigrants who are now of voting age.


“It won’t take them years to find their voice; they’re born with it.”


During her speech, Doyle also spoke directly to DREAMers, immigrants who were brought to the United States as children.


“There’s probably a few in this room, and if so – welcome. Stay. We love you. We support you,” Doyle said.


The audience echoed Doyle’s sentiment and erupted into applause in support of DREAMers.


Doyle argued that Trump himself does not understand the importance of immigrants in the United States. She noted that immigrants are critical in many of the rural areas that Trump is targeting with his “270 strategy,” but that he ignores this reality.


One of her biggest pieces of advice for young people in politics is to get involved in the groundwork.


“It’s time to get your asses out on the campaign trail,” Doyle said.


Doyle spoke to a smaller audience than that of Session One, but there was still a buzz of anticipation in the audience. Students had mixed reactions to her speech.


“It was well-written, but she was not making eye contact a lot,” said Nicole Dahlquist, ‘21. “I’m in a presentation class right now, so I pay a lot of attention to body language.”


Troy Larsen, ‘22, thought that Doyle’s speech was very well put together.


“I think she made a lot of very salient points,” said Larsen. “Coming from her own personal experience was also very powerful, especially when she’s talking about the experience from the Latino minority population.”


Scott Hoover, the faculty adviser for the last four years for Mock Con 2020, said he thought the speakers for today were fantastic.


“They were measured and respectful in their comments,” Hoover said. “They made their points very well.”