Lexington police address parking issues amid business owners’ concerns
Business owners say city officials are not doing enough to enforce parking laws

Lexington Police Department names a detective to handle domestic abuse and sexual assault cases
Project Horizon will work with the detective to provide shelter and support for victims

Washington and Lee community still shaken one day after lockdown
Students came in close proximity to rifles after a 'disjointed' threat was emailed to university officials

Washington and Lee placed under shelter-in-place order Nov. 1
The university has confirmed there "has been no active violence" after a possible threat Nov. 1
Behind W&L’s sexual misconduct processes
Unpacking the university's reporting routes and outcomes

First-year student arrested on sexual assault charges
One victim said she reported Ricardo Vergara, ’26, to the Title IX office in October for a separate offense of sexual assault—but he faced no disciplinary action

Selby had history of “vindictive, destructive” behavior before sexual battery charge
University administration failed to protect community from Selby, even after reported incidents

Disciplinary routes unclear after bomb threats
Police began investigations at W&L and VMI after students posted
anonymous threats online