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Independent student newspaper of Washington and Lee University

The Ring-tum Phi

Independent student newspaper of Washington and Lee University

The Ring-tum Phi

Independent student newspaper of Washington and Lee University

The Ring-tum Phi

Selby jumps on a car hood as a bystander urges him to stop. Photo courtesy of Dec. 2, 2021 video obtained by the Phi from an anonymous source

Selby had history of “vindictive, destructive” behavior before sexual battery charge

University administration failed to protect community from Selby, even after reported incidents
Bri Hatch, Jenny Hellwig, and Shauna Muckle
February 14, 2023
The Lexington Police Department, a brick one story building with a white columned porch.

W&L student pleads guilty in sexual battery case

A Lexington court lowered a felony charge against Dan Selby, ’25, to a misdemeanor in a Feb. 3 trial
Bri Hatch, Shauna Muckle, and Jenny Hellwig
February 7, 2023
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