Ramaswamy, Bolton debate foreign policy
The politicians disagreed on U.S. intervention in the Middle East, Ukraine and China

After VMI enrollment plummets, admissions tests new tactics
Virginia Military Institute is wrestling with how to recruit more students after a bruising admissions cycle

Disciplinary routes unclear after bomb threats
Police began investigations at W&L and VMI after students posted
anonymous threats online

Two Worlds in One Small Town
Washington and Lee students and VMI cadets may have more in common than they think
VMI to move Stonewall Jackson statue after national scrutiny
The Lexington military college’s Board of Visitors has taken an unexpected step

Pence expresses support for military, cadets at VMI
The vice president visited next- door VMI in an event that was closed to the public
W&L to face VMI at 32nd Lee-Jackson Classic
The game on Oct. 26 supports charity and brings the two Lexington colleges together
Police Chief raises concern about VMI, W&L relations
Al Thomas speaks to W&L students about staying safe when interacting with cadets on the weekends

Character matters
Washington and Lee and Virginia Mili- tary Institute students come together to discuss character