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Independent student newspaper of Washington and Lee University

The Ring-tum Phi

Independent student newspaper of Washington and Lee University

The Ring-tum Phi

Independent student newspaper of Washington and Lee University

The Ring-tum Phi

A university bike propped up by one of the rural roads in Rockbridge County. Photo by Liv Cooper, ‘20.

Bike Shop re-opens in new location, promotes sustainability, outdoor activity

The university Bike Shop plans to host several community events, including “Breakfast Burrito Rides"
Liv Cooper
November 6, 2018

Woods Creek West: Unsafe and unjust

A sophomore Washington and Lee student talks with other sophomores about the "uninhabitable living situation" that is Woods Creek West
Coleman Martinson
November 6, 2018
A banner hangs in Elrod Commons that says, "Love Will Win!" Photo by Hannah Denham, '20.

University community gathers on Sunday to address Friday’s KKK leafleting on campus

Student Affairs, the Executive Committee and the Student Judicial Council organized the event to challenge the community to support each other.
Hannah Denham
October 29, 2018
Professor Cory Colbert teaches Calculus I and II in Washington and Lee's math department. Photo by Caroline Baber, '22.

Faculty spotlight: Professor Cory Colbert

A new face in the math department
Frances McIntosh
October 28, 2018
Photo courtesy of two students, with permission.

Students find KKK chapter fliers on W&L’s campus

Some fliers implore Washington and Lee to keep its name the same. Others say that “race is much more than skin color” and that “Yahweh commands racial segregation.”
Hannah Denham
October 26, 2018
The Washington and Lee University campus, featuring Huntley Hall and Newcomb Hall. Photo by Coleman Martinson, '21.

W&L drops in national rankings, says U.S. News & World Report

President Will Dudley calls the decrease from 10th to 11th “insignificant”
Coleman Martinson
October 22, 2018
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