Students snap at photo retakes

Allison Smith

Students prep to have their yearbook pictures taken.

Rachel Stone

Every student pays $75 for the school yearbook each year. So, last year, when many students who are not affiliated with Greek life were left out of the Calyx, some were not happy.

“I think it’s hard for [the Calyx] to justify leaving out 20% of the student body just because we aren’t affiliated with a fraternity or sorority,” said Kaela Fiutak, ‘16.

Fiutak said she didn’t even realize the sorority composites were taken on campus, but thought it was separate from the yearbook pictures for independents. A co-editor of the yearbook, Nelson Helm, ‘17, said there was simply miscommunication.

“Independents have always been able to go get their picture taken,” said Helm. “It wasn’t as widely known as it has been this year.”

During spring term last year, the Calyx tried to have a separate picture day for students not affiliated with Greek life. But Helm said that was unsuccessful, as not many students came.

John Womack, ‘17, said that it was last minute, but there were many reminders about the day.

Regardless, the Calyx wanted to fix the problem this year.

“We just decided to incorporate them into the composites this year,” said Helm.

In an attempt to spread the word, the Calyx sent out campus notices and put up posters. Members of the yearbook staff also texted friends to get them to come out.

This year, there has been more communication to ensure everyone gets pictures in the yearbook.

“We’re certainly hoping that the process is a lot more transparent,” said Simpson. “So people can know and are aware and can make the decision to come or not come.”

But the confusion has shifted to the fraternities now.

In prior years, the fraternities used their composite pictures, which were taken by a third party. But this required an additional expense for the Calyx.

“Part of the issue is that the Calyx would have to pay the outside vendor [for the fraternity composite picture rights],” said Dean Tammi Simpson, advisor for the Calyx.

But Helm said there was miscommunication with the fraternities this year.

“There has been fault on our side for not making it clear that we weren’t going to use [fraternity composite] pictures,” said Helm.

Besides the expense, the pictures are more uniform if the university photographer Kevin Remington takes them all. Helm said the lighting for some fraternity pictures was different than that of the ones taken by Remington last year.

“We try to blanket the campus with information, so we can let people know that they can get their picture taken,” said Simpson.

If you have not taken your yearbook picture yet, Simpson said they may have another photo day later this year. Keep an eye out for posters around campus.