A look at The Cabell Gallery

Lexington’s newest art gallery features portrait artist Curney Nuffer for the month of February

Asha Campbell

The Cabell Gallery hoped to coordinate a special event on Feb. 6 with Lexington’s monthly art walk by featuring the work of artist Virginia native Curney Nuffer and hosting him for an onsite painting demo. But due to a health issue, Nuffer was unable to attend.

“I was so disappointed Nuffer could not attend,” said Callie Ramsey ’17. “I was really looking forward to talking to him about his art and watching him paint.”

The Cabell Gallery officially opened its doors to the Lexington community this past September. It features oil paintings, watercolor, clay works, glass art, and jewelry. The gallery displays works from different artists every month.

On the first Friday of each month, the Lexington art community hosts a gallery walk. The Cabell Gallery management said it tries to align its special events with the First Fridays Art Walk. On the first Friday of each month, all the galleries in downtown Lexington open their doors in the evening for the community to peruse each of their collections.

Corey Akers, the event coordinator and gallery curator, said, “The walk puts the perfect audience literally at our doorstep and we are thrilled to be able to present such talented artists, like Nuffer, each month.”

Lexington residents said they are just as excited as Akers about the monthly art walk.

“I really enjoy these gallery walks and seeing all the art being created in the Lexington and Rockbridge area,” Patti Hammond, a Lexington resident said. “The Cabell Gallery just opened but it brings something new and different to the area.”

Nuffer, originally from the Goshen Pass area, studied at the Virginia Commonwealth University with portrait artist Eloise Atkinson. He now supplements his studies with the graduates of the Surikov Institute in Moscow, Russia.


Nuffer primarily paints with oils on canvas and uses a palette knife to add different textures to his works. He is known mostly as a portrait painter but he works en plein air, too. His style reflects his work with the Surikov Institute painters.

Nuffer’s work featured in the gallery is mostly landscapes of the Virginia countryside, including Goshen Pass and other sites in Richmond.

“The informal atmosphere of these events really puts art at the center of attention,” Akers said. “And when supplemented with delicious food and drink, we have found it makes for a relaxing, enjoyable evening here in Lexington.”