Will AI improve human creativity or destroy it?

The approach to AI needs to be collaborative, not just opposing

Veronika Kolosova, Staff Writer

Artificial intelligence (AI) can plan a fully efficient week upon request and even write the introduction of this opinion piece.
The impact of AI on writing-related industries has been debated multiple times. But with the spread of ChatGPT, the conversation has rekindled. Can AI replace journalists? What will happen to copywriters?
I believe that AI is a useful tool that can improve the quality of media and its distribution. The approach to AI needs to be collaborative, not just opposing.
AI is working for the users – not against them. When people learn how to utilize these technologies, productivity will increase. But can AI be as creative as entertainment and media professionals?
The future of entertainment and tech are intertwined. The success of any media project depends on it reaching the target audience and being well-received by it.
Algorithms have significantly improved the process of gathering and analyzing data for content creators. Thus, understanding and reaching the right audience became easier for the producers. Now, they can determine what the target demographic prefers and how to cater to it best.
The algorithms also improved users’ experiences. When a user enters a platform for the first time – let it be TikTok or Netflix, for example – the algorithm suggests different types of content and genres. After a few interactions with the initially suggested content, the user starts getting videos or shows catered to what they like.
The more interactions there are, the more personalized the suggested content is. It benefits the user who receives catered content, and it benefits the company as the overall time spent on a platform increases.
Instead of taking the creativity away, AI optimizes the process of connecting the content to the right audience.
The drawback of personalized content is that it limits users’ exposure to something new. After the algorithm learns what one prefers, it’s hard to change these preferences organically. This also makes it harder for businesses to reach wider audiences.
Another long-term issue is a possible lack of diversity. As the algorithms increase the level of detail in analytics, boosting consumer use, the risk of losing money is reduced. In pursuit of profit, investors will play it safe by producing only content they know will perform well, leading to monotony.
The visual content industry is seeing AI’s effects in more automated editing software. CapCut templates allow users to copy the style of a video they liked within seconds. Canva, a design platform often used by brands and creators, recently introduced their new “magic” editing functions based on AI.
Some services allow users describe a desired object for a design, and AI will generate the whole design based on the text input. The “magic” function can also create full presentations using just the provided ideas and an outline.
As someone who struggles with choosing fonts, I was particularly impressed with a new tool that offers the best fonts for a specific design.
I believe AI is a tool to unlock human creativity and take it to the next level. In the next few years, we’ll see many changes in the entertainment industry because of the wide adaptation and usage of AI. But just like with other technologies, it always comes with risk.
AI saves time and makes content more efficient. But it is vulnerable to biases that can be programmed into algorithms. AI might could destroy experimentation for the sake of business.
In the end, only time will show the long-term effects of AI on creativity and related industries.