Virginia governor facing calls for resignation
Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., is among the politicians who think the governor should step down

Parents Weekend address moved from traditional Lee Chapel location
A group of students hopes this is the first step in changing how the university uses Lee Chapel in the future

Hurricane Florence ravages Southeast, affects Lexington weekend plans
Hurricane Florence had taken 14 lives and left nearly a million people without power as of Sunday morning

My Oxford term: Navigating both the struggles and beauty of a new place
Sutton Travis, ‘19, has spent the last few months studying English at Oxford University in England

Best-selling historical author shares stories from World War I
War novelist Jeff Shaara emphasizes the importance of studying historical justice
Student works to promote awareness of local organization
W&L senior encourages students to volunteer with The Community Table of Rockbridge County
Students raise awareness for local organization through class project
Students team up with sororities and organize a holiday food drive for the Rockbridge Area Relief Association
Dance Company presents fall show that explores themes of nature, loss, emotion
W&L’s Repertory Dance Company features student choreographed work in“Dancers Create”
Students learn stage combat, blood and gore design for the theater
Actor, choreographer and designer Jon Beal leads two master classes for students
The Theory of Relativity draws hundreds
The 2016 student production of “The Theory of Relativity” features scenarios geared toward millennials

Pie Wars: Pieing for a good cause
Pi Beta Phi sorority raises money for literacy at annual philanthropy event.

Sipping lemonade for a cause
The Pi Beta Phi sorority raised money for literacy through an age0old beverage last week

Fostering sustainable businesses
W&L and the Lexington community come together for the third annual Social Innovation Initiative
Dance Company hits the stage
W&L Repertory Dance Company showcases grace, poise in dance concert

The future face of technology
W&L's Contact Committee brings in technology policy expert Alec Ross to discuss the industries of the future
Students vote in Super Tuesday elections
W&L’s College Democrats
organized rides to the polls for students to vote

W&L’s Elle meets the real Elle Woods
Laura Bell Bundy, Broadway’s original Elle Woods, visits W&L
for a workshop with the
Legally Blonde cast
More in store for Shakespeare 2016!
Year-long celebration of Shakespeare continues with multiple campus events

W&L women, what’s the rush?
W&L sororities experience their first recruitment on the revised, earlier schedule

Showcasing unasSAILable talent
Students bring talent and culture to Friday Underground stage

Personal poetry from a resident writer
"Shenandoah" contributor William Wright expresses his fear of ferns and personal struggles in his poetry

Students continue to Teach for America
W&L remains among the top
producers of students for Teach for America

Three cheers to 400 years of Shakespeare
Washington and Lee kicks off its year-long Shakespeare celebration with Desdemona

Nature, culture, identity: capitalism
Capitalism takes a different form with artist Paul Ryan