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Independent student newspaper of Washington and Lee University

The Ring-tum Phi

Independent student newspaper of Washington and Lee University

The Ring-tum Phi

Independent student newspaper of Washington and Lee University

The Ring-tum Phi

Jin Ni

All content by Jin Ni

‘Be undeniable:’ Michele Ghee on succeeding as a Black woman in corporate America

Ghee invited as joint Women’s History Month initiative between W&L and VMI
Jin Ni
March 29, 2022
Pieces performed included Summertime by George Gershwin, Feels So Good by Chuck Mangione and It Don’t Mean A Thing by Duke Ellington. Photo by Elena Lee, ’25.

A night of music and magic at Keller Theatre

In their first ever collaboration, university dance and jazz groups brought the charm of 1940s New Orleans to little Lexington
Jin Ni
March 15, 2022

Krissah Thompson speaks to students about diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Thompson was part of the 72nd Journalism Ethics Institute, a two-day event for W&L’s student journalists.
Jin Ni
November 23, 2021

COVID-19 Update: W&L plans for winter and spring semesters

One in-person semester finished. With two more to go, W&L looks at how to make next semester safer and better.
Jin Ni
November 19, 2020

Contact Committee hosts Andrew Yang

The news of Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation broke during Yang’s talk
Jin Ni
November 4, 2020

COVID-19 update: students muse on this semester and the next

About 60% of students said they’ll return to campus. But what are the other 40% doing?
Jin Ni
November 4, 2020

All is not fair in COVID and war

We need healthy discourse on campus about real solutions to balancing students’ mental health and keeping everyone safe — but herd immunity and strict lockdowns aren’t it.
October 21, 2020
17 first-year international students are studying abroad at St. Andrews due to travel restrictions.

International first-year students face unique challenges

First year international students must overcome pandemic challenges, even as they are stranded from home and the W&L community
Vivek Kumar and JIN NI
October 7, 2020
Students social distance on the Colonnade.

University eases rules due to low COVID-19 positivity rates during arrival and surveillance testing

Students can now visit one another in their residences as long as they wear masks and social distance.
Nobel Manaye, Vivek Kumar, Jin Ni, and Avalon Pernell
September 10, 2020
A view of the Washington and Lee University School of Law. Photo by Elizabeth Bell.

Law students consider withdrawing from Executive Committee after denial of diploma petition

Some law students feel their interests haven't been adequately represented by student government
Jin Ni
May 18, 2020

The last events held on campus before virtual learning: ‘Considering Matthew Shepard’ oratorio

Due to policy changes concerning large gatherings, there was only one showing of the oratorio
Jin Ni
April 13, 2020
April 12, 2020: Easter Sunday in Lexington. Photo by Hannah Denham.

Lexington prepares for major cut in tax revenue as local businesses shutter

A few restaurants still offer curbside pick-up or delivery
Jin Ni
April 13, 2020
Jin Ni, '22, moved into her new home. Photo courtesy of Jin Ni.

Finding housing when I was told to leave

A Ring-tum Phi reporter shares her experience facing discrimination and difficulty finding a place to stay
Jin Ni
March 30, 2020
The current Washington and Lee University diploma, for both law and undergraduate students, displays portraits of George Washington and Robert E. Lee. [Image from online petition]

Washington and Lee University diplomas will keep namesake portraits

The Board of Trustees rejected the petition started by law students
Jin Ni
March 5, 2020
Luke Basham, Democratic party analyst, stands at the podium to introduce the roll call.

Bernie Sanders wins Mock Con’s Democratic nomination after contested convention

The 27th Mock Convention nominates Sanders for president
Grace Mamon, Laura Calhoun, Jin Ni, and Vivek Kumar
February 15, 2020
Patti Solis Doyle address Mock Convention.

Patti Solis Doyle talks immigration, Hispanic voters in 2020 election

Doyle spoke directly to DREAMers during her Mock Convention speech
Jin Ni and Laura Calhoun
February 14, 2020
Café 77 offers patrons Royal Cup coffee. Photo by Hannah Denham.

Dining Services considers changing coffee suppliers

Students say they're excited about the possible change
Jin Ni
February 12, 2020
The home of the Shepherd Program is in Mattingly House on Lee Avenue. Photo by Jin Ni, '22.

How a wealthy institution promotes poverty studies

The Shepherd Program continues to impact students after more than 20 years
Jin Ni
January 28, 2020
The current Washington and Lee University diploma, for both law and undergraduate students, displays portraits of George Washington and Robert E. Lee. [Image from online petition]

Robert E. Lee descendant supports Washington and Lee diplomas without the namesakes’ portraits

A group of law students launched the petition in November.
Jin Ni
January 17, 2020
Dr. Kirk Luder meets with Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam. Photo courtesy of Josh Gross.

Recovery program to benefit from Virginia governor’s grant

The money will help Washingtonian Society reach more students, says Kirk Luder
Jin Ni
November 19, 2019
Students participate in the Introduction to Law, Justice and Society class. Photo courtesy of Kevin Remington.

Students can now minor in legal studies

The program seeks to provide a 'liberal arts look at the law'
Jin Ni
October 21, 2019
The living room of the Nuestro Hogar Latino displays flags of various Latin American countries. Photo by Jin Ni, '22.

The new house on the block: Nuestro Hogar Latino

New housing option fosters community for Latinx or Hispanic students
Jin Ni
October 1, 2019
Washington Hall, from the steps of Lee Chapel. Photo by Hannah Denham.

Scheduling changes allow for just one week of class after Thanksgiving

Mock Convention affects usual winter term scheduling, too
Jin Ni
October 1, 2019
Renovations include wooden decks built on to all three Woods Creek apartment buildings. Photo by Hannah Denham, '20

All three Woods Creek apartments renovated

Long-awaited updates to housing are complete
Jin Ni
September 23, 2019
Kat Oakley, '19, carries compost during a run. Photo by Jin Ni, '22.

Yes, those loud wrappers from “Coop” are actually compostable

The amount of compost collected on campus has quadrupled since 2008
Jin Ni
March 18, 2019
Rossella Gabriele, '19. Photo by Hannah Denham, '20.

Student spotlight: Rossella Gabriele, ‘19

"I was happiest when I stopped trying to fit in."
Jin Ni
March 4, 2019
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