Volleyball breaks in the Duchossois Tennis Center on new home court

With Warner Center renovations well underway, the women’s volleyball team is the first indoor sport to break in the new space in the tennis center

Ashleigh Meade, 20, serves in a recent game. Photo courtesy of W&L Sports Info.

Ashleigh Meade, ’20, serves in a recent game. Photo courtesy of W&L Sports Info.

Ben Soullier

While the Warner Center is under construction, the Generals women’s volleyball team has been the first team to use the temporary gym on back campus in the Duchossois Tennis Center as their new home court.

The experience has been unique, according to the team.

“At the beginning of the year, we were unsure how everything was going to work, but it has been running as good as we could’ve hope,” Meg Guignon, ‘19, said.

Guignon went on to talk about how accommodating Washington and Lee’s tennis staff and team have been throughout the process.

“We appreciate them sharing their space with us during the season,” Guignon said. obb

When asked about, how the change affects the team, Captain Allie Case,’20, said, “the only downside has been how slippery the floors have been, but we manage by having towels nearby.”

Guignon also said, “one of the best benefits of the tennis center is that the ceiling is a lot higher than the old gym which allows us to play the ball higher than we normally could.”

In terms of attendance, “the bleachers are closer together compared to at the Warner Center, so it certainly seems more packed,” said Case.

So far the team has found success this season. The team, although off to a rocky start of 4-5, is undefeated.

“One big goal of ours is to go undefeated in the ODAC and overall win the ODAC championship,” Guignon said.