New dean of College announced, ending contentious hiring process
Lena Hill was selected through “target of opportunity hiring,” just one of several methods that has been used to appoint Washington and Lee administrators, according to Provost Marc Conner

Local landlords explain why rent is higher for W&L students
Landlords say increased maintenance and repairs, addressing noise complaints from neighbors account for upped student housing costs
W&L’s campus construction projects right on track for completion
Tucker Hall and new natatorium to be in full use for 2017-2018 school year.
Taylor Branch considers civil rights movement in modern democracy
Author claims Americans have begun to misremember the civil rights movement
Registrar hopes for smoother registration this winter
Changes to WebAdvisor and course registration, no more
“cookies” message for
winter term registration

Slow foods club brings new focus to eating local at W&L
New campus club and official caterer of Friday Underground promotes eating healthy and local

Rush week demystified
The quickly approaching rush week will continue with three-night system for sororities

Campus braces for blastings
Rock must be cleared to make way for Center for Global Learning
College Democrats, Republicans bring elections to campus
Students make their voices heard around campus in last week’s elections

Anger Management
Martha Nussbaum left students, faculty with a message of peace in Mudd Center for Ethics speech